Questions and Answers.

This document contains a lot of useful information for getting to know us and is constantly updated on the basis of questions you ask the association. For information write to segre@aiip.it

Who can join Aiip?

The Italian Association of Internet Providers can be joined by companies or entities that implement Internet services and provide such services in Italy without imposing any constraints on admissible uses, except, of course, compliance with the laws in force. Typologies of companies that can be part of the association are currently being extended, given the variability of the relevant context. In principle, there is no obstacle to membership by companies that do not primarily offer connectivity but services (e.g. presence providers), provided that their central vocation is the Internet market.

What advantages can I gain from being associated with Aiip?

The Italian Association of Internet Providers was founded with the aim of helping the Internet industry to grow in a balanced and open way. To this end, it manages on behalf of its members a series of initiatives aimed at increasing the diffusion of a sound Internet culture in Italian society and economy; in addition, Aiip provides a series of more operational services addressed directly to members.

How much does it cost to become a member?

Membership fees vary in proportion to the member’s turnover. For information write to segre@aiip.it

Is it possible to get in touch with the management staff?

Certainly: send your e-mails to the general secretary, who will pass them on to the other members of the management staff.

Is it possible to organise local initiatives with the support of the association?

Members can propose or indicate to the association a possible participation in specific events that occur in the area and where the association’s presence could be useful. To do so, an email should be sent to the secretary with all available data on the event.

Can I be regularly updated on news happening at the Association level, even though I am not a member?

You can receive news about the Association’s activities by visiting the website www.aiip.it and our Twitter (with link https://twitter.com/aiip_provider) and LinkedIn (with link https://www.linkedin.com/company/aiip). You can also request information by writing to segre@aiip.it.

Press and Media Services

Aiip – Italian Association of Internet Providers’ invites all journalists and communication operators to signal their interest in receiving informative material in order to be constantly updated on the association’s activities.

For press accreditation of conferences and to subscribe to the mailing list reserved for the press and media, please write to segre@aiip.it.

If these FAQs were not enough, please call

INFO – AIIP Administrative Secretariat – segre@aiip.it